
I hold on tight with bleeding hands to songs of heart as best I can  The music’s notes and harmonies, must not be lost to wickedness  Within their vibes are frequencies of tender-hearted strums of peace  a beauty sealed in them and me…  ©EN 2024, All Rights Reserved  


My serenity is like a hard-earned trophy after the celebration. Wisdom took all its power to learn when to fight, ignore or request mutual peace. The peace of serenity acts like a scar that has disappeared on the surface, and I’m grateful it no longer lingers for others to ponder what might have caused the … More Serenity


Time has put many to a test. Living to work and missing life’s mark. The ups and downs of a harnessed life, the only way out is to give a good fight. There’s a balancing act that has been held back. A calling, a feeling that has truer meaning. When you stop stacking what you … More Equilibrium


Sometimes I feel so excitedly empty,  void of humanness.   Light in spirit, peaceful  and asking myself, “Why?”   You ever stop caring  about a lot of worldly negativity?   The heavy energy  seems to float away,  no longer pressing me down.   Filled instead  with a mystical, peaceful aura  that seems to envelope  my existence;  as if a … More Invitation


Sense of togetherness, yet separateness.   Freedom to move yet concern for continued unity.   The beauty of not being wrong while in huge clusters of motion.   Self-correction is optimal awareness.   Varied formations have the sense of caring,  checking, content to keep moving until done.   Rest-go back until it’s time to fly again;  cover good ground while … More Murmuration

Sweet Memories

I feel so behind, unkept in my writing: Visitors from out of town  had kept me quite busy  before they came around.   With joy and excitement  my mind was so filled,  the cleaning and shopping  it had me too thrilled.   I lost track of time  as the days counted down.   I forgot about poetry,  to … More Sweet Memories


Surprises delight when someone is told, from decades of hiding the internal unfolds. A proud moment in your memory that never was shared, until our last conversation when you expressed that you were there. ©EN 2023, All Rights Reserved


I’m in awe of life’s simplicity.   When nature itself is the substance,  untouched by someone’s ideals  of how my life should be.   Where the innate is good-natured  and happily extended.   Where strict rules and  unrealistic expectations  don’t exist as on paper,  but in the power of  a peaceful and benevolent heart.   I’m in awe of … More Awe


Order your next steps,  not with a commandment  but with a simple question…  “Lord what is next?”  And recognize the answer  when it is undeniably sent.   ©EN 2023, All Rights Reserved


There’s a weightlessness that lingers, an old story has let go. A darkness interrupted, a long, long time ago. I listen to my guiding light, it whispers merciful advice. I thought the path cleared long ago, I guess the future held its woes. So I live in the peace of doubt to circumvent the power … More Doubt